Lord Hear our Prayers
GAPAmourns the recent passing of members Donald Markham (CPD), Edward Scharringhausen Sr.and Donald Maas Sr. (CPD ret.)and Herta Hunger, residents) was founded inthe heart of farm country in 1899 by German immigrants from Schleswig-Holsteinand continues to celebrate many of their traditions. GAPA Board member Jim Mathey celebrated the wedding of his son Jeffrey mother of Hans Hunger (Ehren President of GAPA.) We wish all our members and friends who weresick or injured to return to health and full activity, and if I have neglected to mention anyone, please accept my apologies. I hope for a new year in which this part of the article is blank as GAPA remembers those who shared many years of camaraderie and experiences.
I met and had coffee with the mayor of Schleswig Iowa, Bob Andresen, while travelling in November. The Crawford County Iowa guidebook says that this is the only town with this name in the entire USA and harkens back to the Schleswig Holstein area of northwest Germany claimed by both Denmark and Prussia. The dispute ended in a war which resulted in victory for Schleswig Holstein. This small town (900 residents) was founded inthe heart of farm country in 1899 by German immigrants from Schleswig-Holsteinand continues to celebrate many of their traditions.
GAPA Board member Jim Mathey celebrated the wedding of his son Jeffrey to Lindsey North at Tom Woods Aviation Hanger in Indianapolis, October 2015. This unique venue made for an interesting reception. Best Wishes to all!
As 2015 winds down GAPA will have some changes in the new year. President Hans Hunger, after many years of service and dedication to the organization will step down, while another long time stalwart, Mike Haas,who has served in many important capacities will serve as President. Many thanks and well wishes to Hans for all he has done and look forward to Mike’s leadership of GAPA.
Kris & Hans Hunger
Fr. Dan Brandt & Hans Hunger
Paul & Mary Kurtzner
George Volkl & Family
Dean & Andrea Kotlowicz, Tom & Dot Moritz
Sandy & Randy Jaeger
Ken Hauser
The Paloma
The Romanis
Bill & Sue Ruck & friends
Bill Grieb & wife
Roy Handler Jr., Hans Hunger & Rich Romani
Dave Dunham & wife
Ofest Emcee Roger Haas
Roy Handler (deceased 2015), we miss you!
Roy & Lillian Handler
Mike & Carol Haas
Jeff & Ming Schuck
Tim & Marybeth Schaefer & family
Irene Ruckholdt
Jusy & Kevin Brumley
The Walzers
Harold Brown, Rin Shogren, John Dineen
Tim Schaefer & John Meindl running raffle
Scott Krueger & wife
Pete & Rich Graber
Sue & Bill Ruck
We thank the generosity of the Glunz Family!
John & Jerry Glunz Carol Haas, Kelly Huinker, Bill Ruck
Sandy Jaeger, Ming Schuck, Audrey van Stockham
Joe Stefanec & John Huinker
Randy Jaeger & Roger Haas
Jeff Schuck, John Schuld, Art Oswald, Tom Hartwig
GAPA Christmas Party
Joe Stefanec playing Santa
Lillian Plywacz plays guitar
Art & Sharon Oswald
Kevin, Jake & Judy Brumley
Joe Scheiner & kids
Bob Watts’ family
Tim Schaefer, Joe “Santa” Stefanec, Joe Schreiner
Tim & Marybeth Schaefer & Family
Tim Schaefer Retirement Party
Joe Stefanec represents GAPA at Casper Lauer Memorial