German American Police Association Chicago
A Chicago fraternal organization comprised of duly sworn law enforcement officers of German heritage. MembershipStore
Herzlich Wilkommen to GAPA Chicago
Established in Chicago, Illinois in 1975, the German American Police Association (GAPA) is a fraternal organization comprised of duly sworn law enforcement officers of German heritage. As a social organization, we are also a charitable one, committed to supporting honorable causes within the German American Community and those of law enforcement. Current charities include but are not limited to the GAPA Scholarship Fund, the DANK Spatzen Children’s Chorus, DANK Schule Nord, St.
Our Mission
To preserve and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. To uphold the laws of the Federal, State and Municipal governments in which we serve.
To establish friendship and camaraderie between sworn law enforcement officers of German heritage within the communities in which we live and serve, other German American Police organizations within the United States as well as law enforcement officers from the German-speaking lands of our forefathers. To display pride in and preserve our German American heritage.
To work to better police and community relations within the German American community and the communities in which we serve.
To extend the assistance of our Association within the German American community via volunteered service or charitable donations.
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Apply today for the GAPA Scholarship and the Danielle Marie Pisterzi Post Graduate Scholarship
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