President’s Message:
I regret to announce the passing of Fred Schumacher, our associate member and Midwest rep for Hofbraeu Bier. Fred and his wife Betts were wonderful hosts when we visited Frankenmuth twice in recent years. Our condolences to his family.
2017 Oktoberfest
The GAPA Board voted to change the venue of our annual Oktoberfest. The 2017 O’fest will be held at the Hofbraeuhaus in Rosemont instead of Elmcrest Banquets. The date is set for 10 November 2017. As the Hofbraeuhaus in Rosemont flies in bands from Germany, we not only won’t have to pay for a band, all the amenities/atmosphere/décor of an authentic Oktoberfest are already in place at the Hofbraeuhaus in Rosemont. The change was also desired in order to attract a more younger crowd at our O’fest. More info will be forthcoming later in the year.
GAPA Scholarship Recipients
Scholarship winners: were drawn at the O’fest. Congratulations to the recipients and their families.
Grammar School:
Ava Marlo
Bradyn Rosenbusch
Bradyn Grobner
Sophis Koch
Jenna Kozlowicz
Dakot Snow
Natalie Watts
Nicholas Mill
Jacob Miller
High School:
Reilly Becker
Gretchen Fischer
Brett Rosenbusch
Kaitlyn Kooh
Jason Jalloway
Grace Sullivan
Emily Heerdt
Juliana Schuld
Casper Lauer – Andrew Fey
Larry Vincent – Russell Kohnen
Glunz Family – Ethan Mikell
Hoff Brau – Matthew Laskowski
Presidential – Sarah Laskowski
Super Bowl Party
Our annual Super Bowl party saw better attendance this year. I thank Tim Schaefer for his efforts and Kevin Brumley for running the Super Bowl Squares as well as all who helped out.
Golf Outing
GAPA Golf Meister Joe Kirchens has set us up for 19 June 2017 at Rennwood Golf Course in Antioch. We’ve increased the golf fee $5 to keep up with rising costs. Try to get a 4 some and a hole sponsor as well. See our ads in the back pages of this issue of the Brennpunkt.
Mai Fest, 2, 3, 4 June 2017
The GAPA Board has also decided to again provide light security at Chicago’s annual Mai Fest. The sign-up sheet was much better than last year, but we still do need more people, especially on Saturday, 3 June. See our ad for further info. Please give us a hand! If you haven’t made a meeting recently to sign up, contact me at the above contact info. Remember, the money we earn helps to fund our GAPA Scholarship Fund as well as all our other charitable donations throughout the year.
GAPA Picnic
Our annual picnic will be Friday, 14 July 2017 at Bunker Hill forest preserves. Mark your calendar!
Health and Welfare:
January was a busy month with the Scholarship awards that reflect GAPA’s commitment to the education of the children of our membership. $7500 was given out for grammar, high school, and college students with the team of Tim Schaefer, Tim Schoolmaster and John Huinker doing their usual outstanding efforts to make this a success. There were some scholarships where the winners or family members were unable to attend and be a part of our photos so we wish a special mention to Ethan Michael who won the Glunz family award of $500.
A small delegation of board members went to the HofBrau Haus in Rosemont in late Jan. and explored the possibility of having them host the GAPA Oktoberfest. This change of venue reflects a desire to arrange a more interesting event with the same wonderful atmosphere and food as we have enjoyed at the Elmcrest all these years. And of course at a price that will make even the most frugal GAPA member smile. I’m happy to report a successful outcome, the same price $70 as last year and with some new enjoyable experiences to come, all happening 10 Nov. 2017, more details to follow.
GAPA is sad to report that our associate member and Hofbraeu Bier rep from Frankenmuth (MI) Fred Schumacher has passed on. He was a good friend. Our prayers are with him and our condolences with his family. We are happy to hear that Judy Brumley, and Mary Ann Hartwig have made recoveries while unfortunately Darin Angel is still fighting his health problems and Joe Schreiner is at Swedish Covenant recovering from a broken femur. Best Wishes to all.
At the Feb. meeting Robert Issel Jr. was present with parents Bob and Marrianne and when lady luck visited during the raffle he was encouraged to take the “TURTLE WAX” which he was glad to do. This prize is available almost every meeting through the generosity of Tom and Dotty Moritz. Dotty worked for Turtle Wax for 30 years and Tom hopes to have his basement cleaned out by 2025. Also at the meeting was a special guest of Gerhardt Stadler from Germany ; Father Dietmar who has been spreading the good word at St. Benedicts Church.
My hopes for a healthy and happy spring season which will have many opportunities for gemutlichkeit and if the unbelievably good weather continues our upcoming events will be that much better.
Remember also to buy or sell some GAPA 1000 picnic raffle tickets when I send them out next month. This raffle subsidizes to a great extent our “free picnic”. Your participation is needed.
GAPA Golf Outing Form
(Right-click to download .pdf file.)
GAPA Golf Outing Hole Sponsorship Form
(Right-click to download .pdf file.)
GAPA Membership Renewal Form
(Right-click to download .pdf file.)
GAPA Superbowl Party
GAPA Scholarship Winners