GAPA Chicago In Memoriam

St. Gertude, a German Catholic nun, saint and mystic is invoked for her intercession on the behalf of souls in purgatory and for living sinners. Our Lord told St. Gertrude that the following prayer would release 1000 souls from purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was extended to include living sinners as well. This number of 1000 souls is only considered spiritually symbolic in that this prayer may include as many souls as 1000 or more depending on the sincerity and passion of those requesting our Lord’s mercy !

Our dearly departed GAPA members, family members and friends may still need our prayers. If we forget them, who will remember us!

The living can help their dearly departed loved ones in the afterlife through prayer.

The souls of the departed can receive solace through the Eucharist, prayer and almsgiving. The belief that prayer can reach into the afterlife–in which our affection for one another continues beyond the limits of death–has been a fundamental conviction of Christianity throughout the ages, and it remains a source of comfort today. Our prayers for the deceased can assist in their purification and are never too late, nor are they ever in vain!”
(Pope Benedict XVI, from Spe Salvi, November, 2007)

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus “

If your dearly departed GAPA member, family member or friend is not listed here, and you wish to add him/her to our intentions list, please contact us

Dearly Departed

George Luecker, Bob Issel,

Paul Bauer (Commander CPD), Gerald L. O’Donnell, Matthew Shenatzki, Darin Angel, George Volkl (Founding member and Past Director),


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