Health & Welfare
We wish to express to Jack Glunz and family who have been great friends of GAPA for many years our condolences on the passing of Jack’s wife Judy after a long illness. May she find peace and the family keep her in their hearts. MemberDarin Angel is convalescing at Resurrection hospital while suffering from a variety of things. Give him a call at 708- 935- 6191. 2016
We thank Roger Haas and Brian Pyferoen for their efforts in putting together our annual O’festat Elmcrest Banquets. Also to Tim Schaefer for running the GAPA Scholarships and taking all the terrific pix which are included in this issue. Early in 2017, the GAPA Board will look into having our 2017 O’fest at the Hofbraeuhaus in Rosemont instead of the Elmcrest.
Super Bowl Party
Our annual Super Bowl party will be held on 5 February 2017 at the DANK Haus (2nd floor). Doors open at 4:30. Plenty of free parking in MB bank’s parking lot at 4800 N Western. Remember, this fundraiser benefits our scholarship fund, so please support us by purchasing our raffle tickets. Grand prize is a trip for two to the Florida Keys at the Glunz Ocean Beach Hotel & Resort, flight and lodging included. Raffle tickets will be available at the January meeting or call Tim Schaefer (708 935- 9117). Super Bowl Squares will also be available at the 10 January meeting or call Kevin Brumley (847 980- 3368). Buying a square also gives you free entry. Otherwise, tickets at the door are $25 per person and includes food anddrink.
Golf Outing
GAPA Golf Meister Joe Kirchens has set us up for 19 June 2017 at Rennwood Golf Course in Antioch. We’ve increased the golf fee $5 to keepup with rising costs. Try to get a 4 some and a hole sponsor as well. See our ad in the back pages of this issue of the Brennpunkt. Hope to see you at our monthly meetings and our Super Bowl party. A healthy and happy 2017 to all our members, families and friends. Ein prosit!
GAPA Golf Outing Form
(Right-click to download .pdf file.)
GAPA Membership Renewal Form
(Right-click to download .pdf file.)